Who am I?

In three words, I’m a strategic, futuristic, achiever.

So basically, I’m a visionary who is able to strategically sort through the clutter to find the best route to achieve that vision tangibly.

Where from?

Coming out of school, I never thought of myself as being very “creative”. I was certain that in order to be successful, you needed to get your degree and work in a “professional” job like Accountant, doctor or lawyer. I enjoyed numbers, and so  I went off to university, got my degree and began working among the corporates. I “climbed the ladder”, became the Finance Director and then Managing Director in two reputable Standby Power companies and enjoyed the lifestyle most would dream of. I value this time in my life and what it’s taught me, because its better equipped me and taught me to understand business and people.

Where now?

It was only in my thirties, upon reflecting back on what I’d achieved, did I realise that  I’m a “builder”. When I was a boy I built lego, when I was a teen I built a car, while studying at university I built swimming pools, in my twenties I built a career and built memories travelling. Now in my thirties, I’m building my family and building what satisfies me the most, which is taking the culmination of all the building I’ve done to help others build their own stories. Build their businesses, build their brands, build their adventures and in doing so, I’m building a better me.

Where to?

That Visionary part of me believes  the sky is the limit. I love learning new things, grasping new concepts, meeting new people and “building” dreams.

Why don’t you allow me to walk out your dreams with you.

[email protected]